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Gram O'Dell

"You know Cyrus was considering sending him to a teen-discipline school? But I don't even know if that would work."

Son of the late Dean Cyrus O'Dell, stepson of Mindy O'Dell, and stepbrother to cancer boy, Gram loves punkish music crossed with KISS-style theatricality, and probably aspires to rock stardom via his drum kit that the cheating, possibly murderous whore his stepmom complains lives in the back of the family minivan. In addition to music, his other hobbies include stealing his dad's car, crashing his dad's car, and vandalizing his dad's car. Hmm, I wonder which kid Cyrus preferred: the car thief he wanted to send to discipline school or the cancer survivor he risked everything to save?

-wyk, leila6
Bio as of 3.12 "There's Got To Be A Morning After Pill"
All bios: 3.12 3.09 3.03

Sean Rose plays Gram O'Dell.

Neptune Families

Neptune High School

Neptune Town

Hearst College

Neptune Graveyard

Who's Who