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Deputy Jerry Sacks

"Jerry'll hand out printouts detailing the hot spots."

Poor Deputy Sacks. He's borne the brunt of Sheriff Lamb's sarcasm and anger since Keith was run out of office. He's been manipulated numerous times by Veronica, which pretty much always got him in hot water. And he's always taken everything with good grace. Or cluelessness — it's hard to tell which. But now he's shot and killed someone — a horrible enough experience for any deputy, but made all the more traumatic by the fact that said someone had just beaten Lamb with a baseball bat, leading to his death. Will Sacks recover from this? Maybe if he shaved off that 'stache it would help him deal with his grief.

Speaking of helping him get over his grief at Lamb's death, finally getting a first name might have helped. Jerry! His name is Jerry!

Bio as of 3.18 "I Know What You'll Do Next Summer"
All bios: 3.18 3.14 3.09 3.01 2.10 2.02 1.01

Brandon Hillock plays Deputy Jerry Sacks.

Neptune Families

Neptune High School

Neptune Town

Hearst College

Neptune Graveyard

Who's Who