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Ain't too proud to beg

Costs: $340 per year
Donors: 32
Donations: $920

March 13, 2006: Sponsored by...

Thanks to the donations from our generous visitors, we have raised enough money to cover our webhosting bills and keep our site ad-free. Yipee!

As a small token of thanks, we have added a "Sponsored by..." blurb to our site to acknowledge their contributions. Every month we will list a couple of the donors.

By the way, even though we have raised enough money to cover our webhosting costs, that don't mean the begging for money has completely stopped. Please feel free to keep the donations rolling in. (Have you've seen the new MacBooks? Me want. )

March 8, 2006

Comment from readers:, you rock. Yes, we do. We also take cash.

In case you didn't notice, has gone offline a couple of times these past few weeks. In order to prevent further downtime, we've had to upgrade to a better, more reliable webhost with a better, more robust plan.

Good news: This new plan offers more bandwidth and resources, which should prevent further downtime.


Bad news: This new plan costs four times as much as the old plan.

[bleeping bleepity bleep!!]

And to be perfectly honest, there's no way we can afford to pay for the new plan ourselves. So we are left with three options:

  1. Stay with the flaky host and risk further downtime.
  2. Bombard our site and the visitors with ads for stuff that you don't want or need.
  3. Ask our visitors to donate money to keep this site going.

If you like this site, and want to see it continue please, for the love of 99.9% uptime, send us some money ASAP by clicking this Paypal link.

If we can't raise enough money through donations, then don't be surprised if you come back one day and our site looks like this:

Stuff About Us

Stuff We Had No Place Else to Put So We Stuck It Here

Money, Money, Money